Beginner to Pro in 7 Days | I Trained This Famous Guy

Beginner to Pro in 7 Days | I Trained This Famous Guy

MMA 41 Comments

On August 12, 2023, Jeff Chan of MMAShredded posted an impressive feat on his YouTube channel titled “Beginner to Pro in 7 Days | I Trained This Famous Guy”. With over 76k views, Jeff showcases his expertise in martial arts training as he transformed Andrew Fung from the Fung Bros into a competent fighter. Displaying undeniable prowess in technique and foundation, Andrew’s progress illustrates the effectiveness of Jeff’s versatile approach to MMA training – that includes striking, grappling, and everything in-between. Tuning into this engaging tutorial might just inspire you to unwrap your potential on the mat.

Insights into Modern Self-Defence: A 7-Days Journey from Beginner to Pro

There can be moments when clarifying a quick route from beginner status to looking like a pro fighter might seem like an audacious claim. This was precisely the backdrop when MMA trainer and Youtuber Jeff Chan from the channel MMAShredded undertook an intriguing project in 2023. His endeavor involved training Andrew Fung from the Fung Bros for as many days as necessary until Andrew started moving and looking like a professional fighter. In the video titled “Beginner to Pro in 7 Days | I Trained This Famous Guy,” Jeff Chan shows us that while moving and looking like a pro fighter doesn’t necessarily mean you can grapple with one, it’s definitely a significant part of the journey. Day 1: Establishing the Groundwork Jeff emphasizes on building technique during the preliminary stage. This is where knowing the student’s background and experience comes into play. Andrew shared his experience in Taekwondo, boxing, and his overall interest in physical activities, but admitted to being a casual enthusiast. Despite his lack of experience in rigorous fight training, Jeff starts by bringing attention to the importance of practice, even if it involves unwrapping and rewrapping your hands. Day 2: The Importance of Distancing and Defense The duo practised the distinction between boxing and MMA, and why distancing matters. Jeff highlighted how keeping close to your opponent gives them less time to react to your strikes. He also focused on using the thumb to deflect punches, maintaining the right distance, and spotting a punch from the moment it takes off. This detailed review of positioning and defensive technique set the foundation for the training to come. Day 3: The Cross, Body Form and Breaking the Rules Moving on to strikes, Jeff emphasizes on the full rotation of the body during a punch for maximum impact. Instead of conventional covering the jaw with shoulder method during a punch, Jeff recommends a different tactic. He refers to it as the triangle punch—punching away from the body while slightly changing head position, using peripherals to see and react. Day 4 and 5: Kicking Technique and Working on Flexibility For the next two sessions, Jeff focused on introducing and perfecting basic striking techniques. He pointed out the significance of entire body movement, rotation on toes when performing strikes. To optimise power and recoil, Jeff urged Andrew to find a balance between too straight a leg and too bent a leg during striking. Day 6: Introducing Tackling and Wrestling Moving on to more direct combat techniques, Jeff taught Andrew how to drop to his left knee and perform an effective tackle, demonstrating how to cut the angle instead of lifting if the opponent is heavier. Day 7: Testing and Wrapping Up On the final day, Jeff involved Andrew in a friendly sparring session to test the progress. The increased fluidity and control in Andrew’s movement were clear outcomes of the training regiment. While Andrew still has a journey ahead to become a pro, the transformation was evident. The transformation video by MMAShredded proves that with the right guidance and dedication, rapid progress is possible. Perhaps it’s time for more of us to bust out the training mats and engage in some rigorous MMA – because, in the face of adversity, the ability to defend oneself is an invaluable skill to have.

MMA Block

MMAShredded is a YouTube channel owned by Jeff Chan, a professional mixed martial artist and UFC fighter. He shares his insider knowledge on MMA training and technique. Chan’s practical and insightful content pulls in fans from all over the world, making MMAShredded a go-to resource for MMA enthusiasts.

Jeff Chan Block

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  1. It's funny 2 watch as a fighter because I'm sitting here watching the video thinking I'm learning something new but in all actuality he's explaining shit I already do but I don't think about it because it became muscle memory a long time ago.

  2. 1st response–Wow what a Great coach–concise and super helpful comments–able to adapt, guide and lead em so well; 2nd response–Wow am I jealous–What an opportunity. Thanks for sharing such great content

  3. It's so cool to see how Jeff was able to make parallels and comparisons with what Andrew already knew to help him learn and build a great foundation. Amazing coach!

  4. Jeff Chan!! Spar Sean Strickland! I would LOVE to see the intensity of that session! It would be Amazing content and could get you into sparring more ufc fighters!

  5. That was so good! Jeff! You are a pretty good fighter and a great teacher. That’s a rare combination. How much do you charge for personal training?

  6. Andrew look almost pro in 7 days.. he improved so much and adopted Jeff style very well. Actually competition is different thou.. be careful with that.

  7. Good stuff, Jeff. A student is going to perform better when he or she believes the instructor cares about their improvement and who they are as a person. You convey that. Keep winning. Also, I know your schedule is probably stacked to the max, but I think reaction or analysis videos of you watching and critiquing pro fights, boxing and mma, would be easy money for you.

  8. Andy needs to play this video as an opener to handle his hecklers…
    Super Cool Video. Good info for folks in the middle of nowhere. Feels like the "List of the Basics" stuff I've been looking for .

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