The Superman Punch is Kind of Stupid

The Superman Punch is Kind of Stupid

Self-Defence 15 Comments

In his latest video, Icy Mike of Hard2Hurt takes on the infamous “Superman Punch”. Effortlessly fusing humor with his direct, no-nonsense commendations, he aims to reshape our understanding of this martial arts staple. He argues we’ve all got it wrong; it’s less about harnessing the power of the Man of Steel, and more about channeling the cunning of Batman. The Superman Punch, Mike asserts, is not simply a punch, but rather a feint that uses your opponent’s apprehension of kick to land a pow-erful blow. This video is an enlightening and entertaining reevaluation of a well-worn technique, brought to you by Icy Mike’s inimitable blend of martial arts knowledge and instructive charm.

Debunking Myths: The Superman Punch Reimagined

When it comes to effective self-defense, every move matters. A much-debated technique is the Superman Punch, a seemingly powerful move that, according to martial arts expert Icy Mike from YouTube channel Hard2Hurt, may not be as effective as we’d like to believe.

In his latest video, “The Superman Punch is Kind of Stupid,” Mike dives into the misunderstood world of the Superman Punch, discussing common misconceptions, offering vital tips on how to maximize efficiency, and challenging the symbolism behind the name itself.

Let’s break down the key talking points of his video, bringing Mike’s mix of casual authority and expert knowledge to the table. You’re in for a treat, folks!

It’s Not About Power, It’s About Deception

The Superman Punch, according to Mike, is not about sheer power or the thrill of replicating a comic book hero’s pose – it’s about deception. He asserts that rather than being a brute force punch, it should be better viewed as a ‘fake kick’. This emphasis on misdirection and surprise aligns the technique more with Batman’s modus operandi than Superman’s, leading Mike to cheekily suggest we should start calling it the Batman Punch.

The Devil’s In The Details

One key point Mike highlights is that the effectiveness of the Superman Punch doesn’t rest solely on its execution, but also on how convincingly the initiator can ‘sell’ the fake kick. He emphasizes subtlety over exaggeration – a quick leg movement that implies a kick rather than a high, dramatic leg swing.

Mike argues that the more efficiently this fake kick is executed, the faster the subsequent punch can be delivered. This principle of smaller, faster movements also applies to the punch itself – it should be a swift, controlled movement forward rather than a hulking, slow strike.

The Psychology: Pain Before Deception

Another critical element of the Superman Punch is the psychological manipulation it can initiate. For your opponent to ‘buy’ the fake kick, they must first be genuinely hurt by an actual kick. Once the opponent associates your leg movement with potential pain, their hands will naturally drop to defend against the perceived threat, opening up a perfect opportunity to execute the punch.

It’s Just a Technique, Not a ‘Nuke’

Mike also emphasizes that the Superman Punch should not be viewed as a standalone knockout move, but rather as part of a larger toolbox of techniques, usable at any point during a fight. For these techniques to be most effective, they need to flow seamlessly from one to another, making speed, control, and a swift return to stable footing critical for continued combat.

A New Perspective

The insightful analysis provided in the video gives a new perspective to the concept of self-defense and how simple techniques, when employed effectively, can be significantly more deadly than flashy, power-centric moves. The discussion also serves as a reminder that the mastery of martial arts or self-defense isn’t about emulating superheroes, but about understanding and applying the mechanics and psychology that lie beneath every effective move.

Remember, you’re not Superman – or even Batman – but with the right techniques, you can be hard to hurt. With Icy Mike’s advice, we can all level up our self-defense game and transform the misunderstood Superman Punch into an effective, deceptive and potentially fight-winning manoeuvre. Now, that’s what we call a knockout!


Hard2Hurt is a YouTube channel ran by Icy Mike, focused on fitness, self-defense, and fight training. Mike’s practical approach and expertise in martial arts are highly appreciated. He shares effective techniques with his viewers, incorporating elements of humor, honesty, and hardcore training to ensure everyone can protect themselves.

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  1. This is literally how i do my superman punch. I barely lift my leg and then put it straight back down with a small little hop forward. Lol and ive always felt like ive been it wrong, even tho i usually land it. I always felt my knee didn't come up high enough, and i dont kick my leg back far enough. I just feels really forced and way too slow if i make big motions like that when i fake the kick.

  2. I've never thought to set it up at all. For me it was usually reacting to someone else moving forward and me feeling the cage/wall/ropes behind me and me bouncing off of it behind my fist.

    Doing it in open space or luring someone into it are both neat ideas that weren't really on my radar. It's an awesome way to reposition with a wrecking ball at the front, but I thought it was just something that you could make happen when everyone's movement lined up and you had something to spring off of.

  3. It being a feinted kick is also why Ngannou's attempt to superm- sorry, batman punch Tyson Fury didn't work. No kicks in boxing, no reason for him to lower his guard for it.

  4. Didn't think of it this way! Always imagined it as a hail mary but I see now that it's a lot less volatile and more versatile than I thought. Also, can you do a video on the types of traditional techniques where someone hits with the fingers or the knuckles of the fingers, anything but the top 2 knuckles? Loved the video, thank you so much!

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