Is a Knife More Dangerous Than a Gun?

Is a Knife More Dangerous Than a Gun?

Self-Defence 35 Comments

Icy Mike’s intriguing video, “Is a Knife More Dangerous Than a Gun?” adds a fresh perspective to self-defense discussions. A debate that pits knife versus gun, he dives into the complexities surrounding perceptions of danger. Claims from other self-defense experts asserting a knife’s higher threat level than a gun sparked this video. Yet with Mike’s experienced stance, he deftly dissects these assertions with scientific data, real-world logic, and pertinent queries. A captivating, important dialogue unfolds about how we interpret and categorize danger through the lens of practical self-defense, encouraging his audience to challenge conventional norms, offering premium value to martial arts enthusiasts.

Modern Self Defense: The Knife Vs Gun Debate

In a recent video by the YouTube channel Hard2Hurt run by self-defense expert Icy Mike, a possible misconception in the world of self-defense is explored: Is a knife truly more dangerous than a gun? This debate was spurred by a conversation with four other self-defense experts, where three unanimously agreed that a knife posed a greater threat compared to a gun, leading to Icy Mike deconstructing this assertion in his video. The Misconception of Danger

The mechanics of self-defense and murder have staggering similarities, but the choice of weapon – in this case, a knife or a gun – can substantially influence the outcome. Each weapon has its advantages and disadvantages, and while you might consider carrying both, let’s explore if the knife is indeed more dangerous than a gun. Knife Vs Gun: Combat Preparedness and Real-world Scenarios

If you had two doors to choose from, behind one lies an attacker with a knife, and behind the other, an attacker with a gun. Which door would you choose? Which perpetrator would you rather face? When breaking down the reality of gun and knife attacks, Icy Mike argues that while some victims might lie about experiencing a knife attack or might not report minor cuts or stab wounds, gunshot wounds are typically reported almost every single time a person gets shot, and almost always result in a visit to the hospital. Gunshots Vs Knife Wounds: The Bloody Truth

It’s a commonly believed idea, often exploited by pro-gun or pro-knife agendas, which maintains that more deaths are caused by knives than guns. Icy Mike suggests that these statistics are inaccurate at best and misleading at worst. The number of knife wound victims compared to gunshot wounds can be vastly skewed due to the lack of reporting or the underplay of knife wounds’ gravity. Weighing the Danger: What’s More Deadly?

Here, Icy Mike asks us to consider three simple questions: Which of the two – a knife or a gun – could a five-year-old realistically kill you with? Which weapon would you prefer to carry if you knew on the other side of a door, a man, or men were trying to kill you? And finally, if you had to choose between facing an attacker armed with a gun or a knife, which would you pick? In all three scenarios, the gun poses the greater threat. A Conclusion: Guns Are More Dangerous

Ultimately, the debate boils down to the reality that guns are, indeed, more dangerous than knives in most situations. Yes, a knife doesn’t jam, and yes, it’s less regulated and easy to carry, but a gun only takes a split second, a pull of a trigger to kill, underscoring its inherent threat. The idea that knives are more dangerous than guns is essentially a byproduct of underestimating knives’ lethality, and not an accurate reflection of reality. All weapons pose an unmistakable danger and threat in their own ways. Recognizing this is crucial to understanding, training, and preparing for real-life self-defense scenarios.


Hard2Hurt is a unique YouTube channel run by Icy Mike, a self-defense expert. His videos provide practical defense instruction with a mix of humor and simplicity. An experienced fighter, Icy Mike specializes in offering training tips and strategies that are effective in real-world self-defense situations.

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  1. Stupid people would argue this. Just have both like the fella on the video.

    Here's the thing, carry a real fighting pistol and a blade. Have a J-frame 38spl on the pocket as secondary. An small J-frame revolver is the best up close at contact distance. Put barrel to adversary and pull trigger a few times, you have no need to worry about thrusting. If you need a knife it's always an option.

  2. Not everyone can carry GUN for a number of reasons. There background, they have a mental impairment, the state, the building that they are entering. However, you can pretty much walk into any none government building with a knife or a tactical pen. People say don't bring a knife to a gun fight but the knife is meant to be felt before seen. Its not as if the trained knife fighter is going to go charging directly at someone with a knife. He is more likely to ambush them. As they walk around a hallway corner with the barrel of their AR sticking out. Thus parrying and knifing the carotid arteries.

  3. I heard that after extensive field trials the Army is replacing the M-16 with a Bowie knife. They expect to completely transition over by 2026.

  4. I loved your use of logic when statistics are not available to figure out the answer to the question. Very well done! The five year old analogy was a variation of a reductio ad absurdum argument. I use that a lot myself to test conclusions. And your explanation at the end of why an expert would say such a thing was also incredibly insightful. Great content!

  5. Fairbairn 20 yrs Shanghai Municipal Police documented 600 non training fights felt that 1 hr of instruction w a knife someone effective. 2-2.5 yrs training to be effective w a pistol. I realize I’ve sidestepped the issue of dangerous. That 600 non training fights in 20 yrs still is anecdotal.

  6. Well… there is a way to justify knives being more dangerous than firearms… for the general public, specially outside the USA, without excluding that country, to get a firearm (legally) can be very difficult or at least requires some sort of paper trail, permits, registrations and all that, besides, it is expensive (legally or not) How many firearms and ammunition can someone buy with… let's say $1000 USD? And how many if said person happens to have a criminal record?… now knifes… you can buy as many as you want, even cheap disposable semi sharpened pieces of metal-ish junk without any registration, and im sure anyone has a selection of stabby implements in the kitchen… and for $1000 you can buy a lot, including some hatchets and machetes.
    Yes, of course for the higly trained hand to hand fighter a knife can be way less scary than a firearm… range plays against hand to hand combat… but for the regular joe i think that maybe there is a little bit more chance to being stabbed.
    Again, im not saying that a knife is by itself more dangerous than a firearm… it's just that there are more of them and you cannot really control knifes being sold or handmade… just like the .22 LR is "more dangerous" than an 80mm tank shell… of course the tank shell can do a lot more damage, but the tiny round is just more available.

  7. Well I agree to disagree with you Mike. I do not know what is the criteria or definition of 'more dangerous' her but being an ex Army Officer and a Combat and Self Defence Trainer who has adequate knowledge of fire arms and sharp edged weapons I would like to say that I find knives more dangerous for 3 simple reasons – 1. Its deployment is more gore than a bullet wound 2. Its intensity can be controlled – stab , slash , sever but a bullet will do a damage its designed to 3. No stoppages whatsover but a firearm may jam , misfire or run out of bullets. Well there are more but these are the conspicuous ones. But I agree that a fire arm has range and ease of deployment .

  8. This is a strange and annoying debate but face to face hand to hand a good sized knife does seem like it could do more damage quicker but no way I'm taking a knife to a gun fight.

  9. I love blades. But i do know that both weapons have the ability to be dangerous. Although not a guarantee bullets can ricochet and cause more damage then thought and depending on the bullet type can break into shrapnel. Knives different blades can do things got blades that can cut deep, leave wounds hard to stitch up too. I'd rather not be on the receiving end of either because both can be just as bad

  10. I cant really say they're more deadly than a gun, but i will say i place more faith in the simpler tool. Under stress there's no telling what will happen, so personally id prefer the tool that requires the least amount of work to put between myself and an attacker.
    No doubt there's a difference in preference depending on what you've had experience with, but myself did a healthy bit of Kali and at lot of that is muscle memory at this point

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