Hidden Weapons in Non Permissive Environments

Hidden Weapons in Non Permissive Environments

Self-Defence 35 Comments

In Icy Mike’s video “Hidden Weapons in Non-Permissive Environments,” part of Hard2Hurt YouTube channel, he dives into the complex topic of non-permissive environments, i.e., places with restrictions about carrying weapons. Demonstrating a range of weapons that camouflage as everyday objects, Mike blurs the line between casual object and potential self-defence tool. From a flashlight to a tactical spork, a belt knife to a spiked cane, the common theme here is blending in, being adaptive, and staying vigilant, all the while making sure to observe the law and ethical guidelines. An exploration of unconventional tactics, this video appreciates practical strategies in restrictive environments.

The Realism of Covert Weapons and Modern Self-Defence

Content creator, Icy Mike of the popular YouTube channel Hard2Hurt, dives deep into the meticulous world of hidden weapons in non-permissive environments. ‘Non-permissive environment’ refers to a location where carrying ordinary weapons is either illegal, against policies, or strictly monitored. Think of places like shopping malls, movie theaters, organizational buildings, and other public sites monitored by security personnel or law enforcement officials. In the video, Icy Mike interestingly visually demonstrates some weapons that don’t look like weapons at all. His lively presentations, coupled with his astute analytical skills, contribute to an entertaining yet highly insightful discussion. Let’s dissect what he focused on in this educational piece, highlighting some key points that can reshape our current understanding of modern self-defense methods. The Crux of Covert Weapons Icy Mike underscores the ethical and legal implications of carrying these transformative weapons. He asserts, “I don’t know if you can carry this stuff and still be a good guy.” This critical evaluation poses an ethical question: is carrying a concealed weapon in a non-permissive environment ever justifiable? The Youtuber allows room for his audience’s perspectives, welcoming viewers to comment on scenarios they believe might warrant carrying covert weapons in unwelcoming environments. He further differentiates between following the laws and obeying the rules of a particular location, which most people confuse. If a location has a “no weapons” policy, violating this rule could potentially be perceived as trespassing. A Variety of Hidden Weapons Among the mostly mundane-looking pieces displayed, a “tactical spork”, an inconspicuous belt with a hidden knife, and non-metal daggers stand out as fascinating examples of deceptive or hidden weaponry. Another unique item retrieved was a pencil, which, upon closer inspection, reveals a sharp, harmful tip. While all these tools certainly do damage in combat, the practicality of their usage becomes immediately questionable. Disguising weaponry their ordinary counterparts risks jeopardizing the innocent, ordinary functions of the latter. This could possibly create an environment of distrust and fear, counterproductive to peacekeeping efforts. The markers from Clanton Combatives emerge victorious among other items in this analysis. Their inconspicuous formulation, alongside their potent offensive value, makes them a formidable tool. Understanding Covert Weapons In the realm of modern self-defense, understanding that these items exist is key to safeguarding oneself and staying prepared in face of any potential threat. Aware citizens are safer citizens. However, remember to consult your local laws and regulations before carrying any potential concealed weapons and to always prioritize de-escalation, escaping or running away before resorting to violence. Overall, Icy Mike’s detailed breakdown of covert weapons serves as an eye-opener, revealing the hidden dimensions within everyday objects. It leads us to ponder upon the intricate complexity of modern self-defense and its constantly shifting tactics.


Hard2Hurt is a YouTube channel run by owner, Icy Mike. He creates videos focused on practical self-defense and fitness. Using his extensive background in combat sports, Icy Mike shares various techniques, tips and provides gear reviews. His authentic and engaging approach makes him a popular figure within the fight community.

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  1. pencil – when you push in, your hand will slide up the shaft unless you hold it PROPERLY
    …same wit many knives but I agree with Mike that knives aren't a+

  2. Definitely good stuff for teachers, taxi & bus drivers, hotel staff, gas stations, truckers, bank tellers, security officers etc..the people that would rather save themselves over their crappy job..

  3. How can you say you donā€™t know when a good guy would want to defeat a metal detector? How about a guy going with his family to a play, a game, or a museum and not wanting to be defenseless on the subway enroute there and back?

  4. I find it interesting that on a certain site I've worked on it the past, where we had high level security and had the whole metal detector xray stuff, I only know realise why they used to take the lids of every pen and ask to see under my belt buckle šŸ˜…

  5. 0:38

    "Maybe bad guys are not going to listen to these signs…."

    The modern kafkaeque, hypocritical world makes me sick.

    Around the main station in Hannover, Germany, they have installed metal signs which show an axe, a knife and a gun, that tells the astonished reader, that it is forbidden to carry these items from 8 p.m. until 6 a.m., something like that.

    Firstly, it is always forbidden, at least to wear guns and knives with blades longer than 11 centimetres in public in Germany, secondly, criminals will laugh their a…. off.

  6. 400 plus Islamic Men who are Illegal immigrants have just been housed a few miles from me. In England we cannot carry any weapons, our Government expects us to be victims. I am very worried for my families safety.

  7. The idea that the weapon determines if you're the "good" guy or the "bad" guy makes no logical sense. As far as morality goes, why does no one question the "morality" of denying good people their ability to defend themselves, either by policy or by law? Maybe think about that instead.

  8. Thought you might also mention the pen knife type of weapon. A real ink pen on one end, a 3" triangular needle-pointed spike when you pull the pen apart as if to change the cartridge. I've carried this in places that I would have gotten a 20 year sentence had they known… ROFL

  9. Me personally if I were too Bring something past a metal detecter and need a wepon I wouldn't go plastic or wood I would choose a peace of bone or antler ,make a spike or knife from that, would be more sturdy and I would have more confidence holding it

  10. A good sturdy walking stick can be carried anywhere, even into a court room, and on an airplane. Perhaps if a few guys with strong sticks had been on the 9-11 jets, results might have been different. I'll take a strong sturdy stick over a box cutter any day.

  11. I go onto a military base about once a month to visit my daughter and was doing some research to see if I was allowed to take my pocket knife. I couldn't really get a great answer. Some research said not allowed, others said as long as it's less then 3" it's ok. Also mace Or pepper spray isn't allowed not even airsoft. I can't believe in this day where everyone and their mother has a gun how many restrictions are on something as simple as a pocket knife or even airsoft.

  12. I love your videos, man!! Same weird obsession with everyday carry-on. I think a Letherman Wave multi tool is a nice thing… multi tools are available, reliable and not something that rise to many red flags…
    Keep the awesome work!!!

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