Should You Post or Swing Your Arm When Kicking?

Should You Post or Swing Your Arm When Kicking?

Self-Defence 42 Comments

In a frank and enlightening conversation, Icy Mike of the Hard2Hurt YouTube channel discusses the controversial topic of whether posting or swinging your arm while kicking is more effective in martial arts. He gets into the nitty-gritty of this debate with Shane from fighttips, delineating the science and instinctual benefits of each approach. Stripping back dogma, the duo debates how beginners or intermediates may perceive these techniques. More than just a pugilistic parlance, this enkindles a thought-provoking dialogue that plants the seed of innovation and individuality in martial arts. It serves as a reminder that martial arts, while steeped in tradition, also continue to evolve. This is a must-watch for all martial arts enthusiasts.

Unveiling the Science Behind Modern Self Defence: Posting or Swinging the Arm While Kicking

The video from the YouTube channel Hard2Hurt, led by the insightful Icy Mike, showcases a thought-provoking discussion about kicking techniques in modern self-defence. Icy Mike and his guest, Shane from @fighttips, delve into the perennial debate about the merits of posting versus swinging the arm while kicking. This intriguing conversation began with criticisms addressed to Damien trainer for his technique of swinging the arm when kicking. Often, viewers expressed their concerns about the vulnerability this could create, stating they could readily counter with a punch. It’s a reminder of how practitioners at various stages of their martial arts journey may be dogmatically attached to what they consider an ‘ideal’ technique. But this duo of martial arts masters shed more light on the topic, arguing that the ‘ideal’ technique may not be so ideal after all. It often depends on the circumstances and what the martial artist feels most comfortable and proficient doing. One of the key outcomes of the discussion was that both experts prefer ‘posting’ during a kicking strike. This preference is seeded in their belief that posting offers superior defense, better balance, and better range monitoring. However, it does not diminish the fact that arm swinging can add power and counterbalance. Posting keeps the defending arm stationary, which can be an extra layer of defense while attacking with a kick. Furthermore, this also aids in maintaining the kickboxer’s balance and gauging the correct distance for the kick to land effectively and powerfully. On the other hand, swinging the arm while kicking contributes to generating more power in the kick. When you swing your arm in sync with your kick, it creates a counterbalance that leverages your body’s rotational inertia, potentially delivering a more forceful kick. Icy Mike and Shane’s discussion also debunked the commonly held misconception that posting while kicking leaves one hopelessly open to body shots. They efficiently demonstrated that this is not a foregone conclusion, and how effectively wielded, posting could negate such counters. Understanding Body Mechanics in Martial Arts It’s vital in martial arts to understand the intricate relationship between various parts of the body and the whole. The harmonious engagement of the kinetic chain – the interconnected string of muscles, bones, and joints that coordinate movement – is essential to maximizing efficiency and power in martial arts strikes – like kicks. Both posting and arm swinging utilize this kinetic chain, albeit differently. Posting focuses on structural stability and defense, reinforcing the kinetic chain with a stationary counterweight. Simultaneously, arm swinging taps into the kinetic chain’s rotational dynamics to add power and impetus to the strike. Final Thoughts Techniques in martial arts aren’t necessarily about ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. They are highly individual, depending on the practitioner’s strengths, weaknesses, and personal preferences. It’s about what works best for you and what suits the dynamics of the situation you find yourself in. Whether you are a proponent of posting or swinging the arm when kicking, both can be advantageous when appropriately applied. And understanding the why and how behind them can make a powerful difference in actual combat or self-defense scenarios. Remember, flexibility and adaptability – both physically and mentally – are potent allies on the path of martial arts mastery. So, keep an open mind, keep training, and experiment until you find your perfect balance.


The YouTube channel Hard2Hurt, owned by Icy Mike, focuses on self-defense, martial arts, and fitness. Icy Mike, with his vast experience in martial arts, delivers information and techniques in a fun, practical manner. His channel provides effective survival skills and promotes physical well-being. His teaching style is straightforward and relatable.

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  1. I’m not as smart as the people who just goto the body so maybe my comment is stupid but I never thought of posting while kicking that’s really smart honestly it helps u in every way except if someone goes 2 the body

  2. FIGHT TIPS MOTHA FUCKA yo g, im gonna end up looking it up but just in case i dont find it. are u ever in new england. Specifically 184 loudon rd concord new hampshire. id pay u to coach me. id rather show u some tricks…shane can help lmao. im serious bro. Im a long time study of krav, wing from ip, jeet kun, boxing, but im a brawler and i was about to enter a shaolin temple, but long story short im well trained with PMC tactics, battle mechanics, gun safety as well as advanced weapons handling. sim training at 1800+ hours. and also competitive racing. ill send u a dm or sumthin. beginners mind is still my attempt. there's more to this.

  3. Am I wrong here when I always thought swinging your arm like that is good for learning balance, like at the beginning, when you’re learning how to do the kick etc. But not to do so when sparring or when you can balance yourself properly unless…. Let’s say, you’re good enough to know when it’s appropriate for you to temporarily forgo fundamentals, and/or know the difference between when or not to go for max power.

    I’ve always posted when throwing kicks like that and it’s been so long since I can remember (if I’m remembering correctly) my instructor explaining something along those lines so I may not be explaining this the way I should…plus I’ve never been told to do otherwise (not broke don’t fix it kinda thing) i just hope my thought was understandable.

  4. You're doing it all wrong guys ,No posting! No swinging! I do Spirit fingers with jazz hands! guaranteed to work every time 60% of the time xD

  5. people watching the technique in slow think they have an opening when you stop to show the technique itself but with follow through the same opening is not available.

  6. After 36 years of training in many different styles i learned to do what works for you I swing my arm through for more power on some of my kicks and gaurd with other kicks

  7. My coach told me something that was really useful in life in general and in martial arts. He basicaly said: Every time I say "always do X" what I really mean is "right now you should do X for training but in real life there are plenty of reasons/times to not do X". For example, take the basic 3x boxing combos(112, 212, 123, 432, etc) and how I was first taught on the ones like 212 to always switch kick but then after a few months I started working on my front round kick instead of always doing a switch kick/knee. I've had more than one assclown sniker at me while doing leg hold exercises too and I usually just think "yeah keep laughing but I know these excerises are why my rear round kick would probably send you to the hospital after just 2 or 3"

  8. Where and when can we see the self defense stuff you guys did in Australia? Marketing, advertising, come on bud y'all are not even mentioning it?

  9. so i was planning on flying to LA and I'd love to come play with you guys in sparring and I am absolutely going for as many body shots as humanly possible

  10. Maybe you know it or maybe you dont. However if it is possible, how can you tell when its an actual chink in the armor of a fighter's technique vs. People just mindlessly sticking to tradition? Like when fury said wilder cant fight on the back foot then exploited that. I could see what he was saying in those fights where guys had wilder back up but at the same time those fights also ended up with deontay putting those fools to sleep. Is there a way to tell which is which or is it just a gamble?

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