Defend and Disarm a Stick Attack

Defend and Disarm a Stick Attack

Self-Defence 36 Comments

In the riveting video, “Defend and Disarm a Stick Attack,” Icy Mike of popular YouTube channel Hard2Hurt partners with Ed from Metrolina Martial Arts to demonstrate tactics for thwarting an attack from a stick-wielding aggressor. The duo takes us sequentially from basic defense moves to a slick, disarming technique that leaves viewers feeling like a Kung Fu hero. With over 130,000 views, it’s clear that this video proves a potent blend of real-world guidance and high-adrenaline entertainment. Moreover, Icy Mike delivers further, deeper education on self-defense and martial arts through his well-structured online courses at Watch, learn, and stay safe with Hard2Hurt.

Mastering the Art of Self-Defence: Disarming a Stick Attack

The realm of self-defence is vast and ever evolving, continuously adapting to the changing needs and conditions of modern life. In this light, the latest video from the YouTube channel Hard2Hurt, offers a compelling glimpse into a vital aspect of this domain: defending and disarming a stick attack. As presented by Ed from Metrolina Martial Arts, the basic approach to countering such an assault is a revelation, an exquisite blend of alertness, agility, and technical skills. That’s not all; he also dives into a disarming method so slick, it imbues you with the antic prowess reminiscent of a skilled kung fu master. Often underemphasized, stick attacks are a prevalent threat. Whether it’s a hostile person wielding a stick, a pipe, or bat, understanding how to respond to such situations can spell the crucial difference between harm and safety.
The Basics of Defence Facing a stick-wielding antagonist, your primary goal is to avoid getting hit. Broad swinging or thrusting attacks are common stick combat tactics, and the defense mechanisms you employ should be tailored accordingly. It’s anything but a game of chance; it’s about calculated reflex retaliations, apt predictions, and water-tight defence strategy. Much like for other forms of self-defence, the golden mantra here is four-fold: create distance, deflect, trap, and counterattack. The first step is to stay out of the weapon’s reach; this isn’t purely physical distancing, but also involves psychological strategies to dissuade the attacker.
From Defence to Disarming Successfully dodging the initial flurry of attacks should ideally lead to the more tricky next step – disarming. Ranging from simply knocking the stick out of the attacker’s hand or using joint locking techniques, there are many effective methods to achieve this. However, the emphasis here is not only on disarming but also doing it so smoothly that it leaves the attacker surprised and unbalanced. The disarming manoeuvre showcased by Ed in the video is precisely that – a quick, elegant, and efficient technique that throws off the attacker while ensuring your continued safety. This move, which may make you feel like some sort of ‘kung fu master’ reflects the perfect amalgamation of science and art, achieving its objective with gracious fluidity.
Conclusion Incorporating tools like this disarmament method into your self-defence repertoire augments your ability to tackle real-life threats, providing you with a well-rounded approach towards maintaining personal safety. The video on Hard2Hurt, watched by over 130,000 viewers, offers critical lessons in self-defence from a seasoned practitioner. It reiterates that defence is not solely about physical combat but a discipline that calls for smart strategy, quick thinking, and an indomitable spirit. Stay safe in the face of looming danger through a harmonious cocktail of astute awareness and martial dexterity, and remember, stay Hard2Hurt.


Hard2Hurt is a YouTube channel owned by Icy Mike, specializing in self-defense and fitness content. Mike, a former law enforcement officer and professional fighter, shares practical tips on fight training, tactical skills, and physical conditioning. His unique blend of humor and expertise makes combat education accessible and enjoyable.

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  1. Am I missing something? The very technique he showed is found in FMA. The very art he said doean't work. Is he saying FMA doesnt work or he just meant fancy stuff shown to get studenta dont work? Is he also claiming the technique he showed is not in FMA and it's his technique? Is this a case of stealing a technique, claiming it's yours and then dissing the very art that uses that very technique as useless? Please provide context.

  2. Stick can be used self-defense, like using umbrella, cane or wrapped up newspaper. Just don’t look like aggressor. It used as equalizer.

  3. Hant seen the end but this day on age you do it too keep stick in hand when disarming not on ground but something better than nothing. Way i was tought thsnks

  4. You did not Understood that a Stick in Kali .. of course is a Stick – BUT it also IS and can be a place holder for many other things…
    (or somebody fogot to tell ya)
    best regards

  5. Good advice, good explanation of the importance of controlling the distance; good technique. I also like an option of grabbing the stick with your right hand (palm up) to strip it, instead of just knocking it away. Now you can use the stick if you need to. Always enjoy your videos! A lot of good stuff!

  6. I thought I'd just look at this seriously. I just got out of prison, me and the lads tried to rob a bank with sticks and brooms. It didn't go so well, as you can imagine.

    But if you teach me how YOU counter act my stick attacks, maybe next time, I can take down Fort Knox.

  7. Stupid people proving something isn't working for them even if they don't know how it works and the system behind it..Imagine blocking the hand with the stick that touches your arm and body… In Eskrima of FMA that would be a sword or a blade slashing across your hand and body. Because you think that it's just a stick, and you went straight instead of against the angle of attack.

  8. A few people in the comment said that they feint toward the head then switched and struck a knee. Never hit anybody in the head. If you had a weapon and you hit someone in the head there's a probability you will kill them. If you just beat someone severely with a stick and let them go broken leg or something they'll look for you a little bit. If you kill a guy they look for you a lot harder and the penalty is a lot worse. If you were going around with a stick it is difficult to convince people you're the innocent victim here.

  9. I agree that fma is not great for self defense, (it wasn’t meant for that)

    That flashy disarm moves etc etc…. I watched fma teachers saying don’t do it, it is just for the art but then again would you attack someone who practiced those moves a hundred of times. I know I wouldn’t. He said know your skill level first, run if possible if not be the aggressor do not maintain in the defensive position.

    This is a self defense youtube channel, where you can learn self-defense the most effective and practical way. I learned something from this video thank you.

  10. This stuff is completly useless when a guy delivers fast hits. These disarm videos mostly assume that people always go for the biggest swings which is highly unrealistic. Most people would rather deliver a series of short hard hits than go full swings.

  11. “What do you think of Jesse Enkamp’s video of Karate being a Filipino martial art.”
    So in this video and is showing that extreme I should be teaching someone how to the defend against weapons?

  12. I wouldn't have taught anyone an FMA disarm who has no interest in FMA or isn't involved in FMA somehow. "Oh you think FMA sucks? Let me teach you how to defeat my FMA then." lol. Content content content..

  13. You guys really need to go spar with people who fight with melee weapons. Most of them also grapple with them. HEMA people who also have done Buhurt and some level of MMA type of freefighting with those weapons would be pretty much the people you want to go to. I know those people allthough I dont do HEMA school stuffs, I just spar with melee weapons whenever I hear someone is good at something.

  14. I watch your videos quite regularly but quite a lot of them slander and bitch what others do . Guess , right from Kung Fu , Krav Maga , Kali and more you have gone being very cynical about them all .Its ok to do a constructive criticism but try and support it with logic and not slap stick comedy. It would be good to see what you do well and not what others are not able to do. No beef man , just a suggestion for more positivity.

  15. Oh man haha your hilarious. No wonder when opportunity calls you will be beaten up by an experienced knife fighter let alone empty handed kali combat. I pity you, making fun of a system that has been proven for centuries. You dont have martial arts you can call your own and thats dumb. Your ignorance and stupidity makes me wonder what Kali did to you in the past besides youve got beaten? Ohhh shave your beard you GOAT!

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