My 7 TOP Liver Hook Setups

My 7 TOP Liver Hook Setups

MMA 35 Comments

Jeff Chan from MMAShredded recently shared his seven top liver hook setups, demonstrating each move with clear precision. The video not only takes us through Jeff’s favourite techniques but provides insightful commentary on why each setup works for boxing, Muay Thai, and MMA. As he steps, weaves and hooks his way through the tutorial, it’s clear that timing and strategy go hand in hand in mixed martial arts. Whether you’re a seasoned fighter or a novice, the insight gained from this six-minute, thirty-second trip into the ring is well worth the watch as it borders the perfect balance between expert analysis and comprehensible takeaways. Jeff’s engaging commentary makes the complex digestible, adding to the accessibility of this engaging video.

Mastering the Art of Self Defence: Unpacking MMAShredded’s Top Liver Hook Setups

As the adage goes, the best defense is a good offence, and that certainly holds true in the context of self-defense. Jeff Chan, who runs the popular YouTube channel MMAShredded, has shared invaluable insights into some of his top liver hook setups in a video titled, “My 7 TOP Liver Hook Setups”. This excellent tutorial offers a variety of techniques that can be used in boxing, Muay Thai, and MMA. So, let’s break down the key takeaways from this video. Weave Under & Frame – Liver Hook Jeff’s first technique begins with a weave-under followed by a frame into the liver hook. The weave-under, when executed correctly, can cause your opponent to shell up, as they are unsure of your subsequent move. This creates an opportunity to land your liver hook by framing off their guard, which effectively keeps their hands in a defensive position, thus leaving their body exposed. Slip Left – Liver Hook The second setup involves slipping the cross, folding seamlessly into the liver hook. It’s a power move that takes advantage of the opening created when the opponent’s cross move leaves them without an arm block for the liver. By timing the counter with a swift movement, you can land a solid liver hook. Hand Trap – Liver Hook Jeff’s third technique involves a little subterfuge. By trapping your opponent’s lead hand, you can create an expectation of an attack on their open left side face. However, instead of attacking the face, you switch gears and land a body hook. In an MMA or Muay Thai context, following this up with a double step low kick works wonders. Rear Uppercut – Liver Hook Combo A rear uppercut to liver hook combo proves to be highly effective. Simply throwing the rear uppercut out in the ring can trigger a shell-up reaction from the opponent, making their body vulnerable for the liver hook. Rear Uppercut, Left Hook, Right Hook and Liver Hook The fifth technique builds upon the previous combo. After the rear uppercut, quick successive punches to the head can distract your opponent, leaving them unprepared for a powerful liver hook. Hook, Cross and Liver Hook Combo The sixth technique is a basic yet efficient combination of a hook, cross and liver hook. It demonstrates how the elements of surprise and varied attack can effectively open up your opponent’s defense. Jab, Rear Body Hook and Liver Hook The seventh and final technique is a three-stage combination. Starting with a jab to determine range and distract the opponent, followed by a swift rear body hook and culminating in a vicious hook to the liver. In a nutshell, Jeff’s top liver hook setups underscore the importance of calculated moves combined with elements of surprise to penetrate an opponent’s defenses effectively. Whether you’re seasoned in the ring or just starting, mastering these techniques can undoubtedly give you an edge in self-defense. Remember that practice is key in perfecting these moves. As always, use these techniques responsibly and respect the martial arts code of honor. Happy training!

MMA Block

MMAShredded, a YouTube channel owned by Jeff Chan, offers in-depth tutorials and training insights on mixed martial arts (MMA). Chan, an MMA fighter, shares his expert knowledge and personal experiences. His videos serve as comprehensive guides for fighters wanting to improve their skills and overall MMA techniques.

Jeff Chan Block

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  1. Those liver shot set ups are definitely effective. I always use them on my sparring sessions and in my fights. Also, I just want to mention that I will always be grateful to your channel. I have learned a lot from you and will continue to learn. Godspeed always brother

  2. Seriously, jeff you are the best for posting this stuff on youtube. So much knowledge every video. Your videos have helped me develop my skills so much. Always grateful for all these videos and I'm looking forward to more 🙏🙏

  3. I wish I knew you existed when I was fighting I retired 5 years ago. You have valuable stuff and I like how you constantly seek to learn more and more and more.

  4. jeff i checked your channel but i could not to find any sparing with sanda fighter did you ever fight with sanda fighters? i love to see how that was and what is your opinion about sanda 🥲

  5. Suggestion: You can either shoot wider in 4k or higher resolution to crop or set two cameras on a bracket in parallel, one landscape and one portrait to cover both aspect ratios simultaneously.

  6. Gazelle liver hook is a good one too if you've closed aggressively to the head before – they will usually shell up. You get a ton of power from the explosive forward movement. You can also fake the jab right as you're jumping forward. Rodtang does this to perfection.

  7. This is beautiful. I’ve been boxing at home via YouTube for a couple years now. It’s fun, but I don’t have the luxury of experiencing punches coming back. Your timing is incredible. I gotta find me a gym

  8. @mmashredded you sparred at Fightlab that’s dope. Next time you in NY or not to far come through to Rigoro gym we’ve got some good guys. 💪🏼

  9. If I want to become the best MMA fighter thatI can become, should I invest 100% of my time into MMA or should I train BJJ and wrestling seperately, as well? I think training MMA only would be wiser.

  10. Hey Jeff what you think about my setup, I like to fake the front hand uppercut to liver shot it almost always work, btw I’m big fan of yours i’ve been watching your videos for a year now and I compete at amateur level in muay thai and I like to use your moves in my sparring. Keep up the good work!

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