How to Throw a Punch in a Fight

How to Throw a Punch in a Fight

Boxing 37 Comments

Tony Jeffries: How to Throw a Punch in a Fight

Boxing aficionado Tony Jeffries shares key tips on how to throw a punch correctly in a fight in a video posted on February 1, 2022. Having amassed over 1.2 million views, this three-minute guide has attracted strong interest among boxing beginners and fight enthusiasts.

The video begins with a general introduction into the world of boxing, with Jeffries explaining that many beginners make common mistakes when throwing punches. These errors not only affect the force of the punch, but they can also lead to injuries. He then proceeds to explain how to avoid these pitfalls.

Jeffries emphasizes the importance of stance and the use of the dominant hand. He advises learners to focus on the middle knuckle when throwing punches, a key detail that can change the course of a fight. He then moves on to dissect the process of throwing punches, explaining how to deliver harder and stronger punches safely.

To further assist learners, the video includes a link to a package comprising the best boxing drills. This online resource is a treasure trove for anyone serious about improving their boxing skills. You can easily reach Jeffries through his social media platforms including Instagram and Twitter, or via a direct-texting link.

Jeffries, an Olympic Bronze medallist, also co-owns two boxing fitness gyms in Los Angeles, Box ‘N Burn. In addition to his gyms, he offers an educational program teaching trainers how to coach boxers.

“How to Throw a Punch in a Fight” is a must-watch for anyone eager to forge stronger skills in the boxing ring. Whether you’re a beginner, an enthusiast, or a seasoned boxer, Jeffries’s instructional video offers invaluable insights into the techniques that can make or break a fight.

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Tony Jeffries: A Life in Boxing

Tony Jeffries, born in Sunderland, England, is a decorated professional boxer known for his highly technical style. His passion for boxing began in childhood and he rose through the amateur ranks swiftly, culminating in a bronze medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

As a professional, Jeffries has maintained an undefeated streak, truly showcasing his incredible talent and dedication to his craft. His bouts are known for their intensity and thrilling finishes. Beyond his career in the ring, he’s also become a respected boxing trainer and mentor to budding athletes. A true boxing legend, Tony Jeffries’ contributions to the sport are unparalleled.

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Classical vs. Modern Boxing Training

The classical boxing training focuses more on technical skills, where a boxer works on punches, stances, and footwork. It revolves around the ‘sweet science’ of hitting without being hit. On the other hand, modern boxing training encompasses a more holistic approach, incorporating strength, conditioning, and nutrition aspects. It leverages advancements in technology and sports science, aiming for more efficiency and injury prevention. Despite their differences, both types of training have one goal in common: to prepare a fighter for the ring’s physical and mental demands. Their choice ultimately depends on the boxer’s personal preference.

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Boxing History

The sport of boxing has a rich, ancient legacy. First recognized as an Olympic game in 688 BC, it has evolved significantly. Modern boxing, marked by Marquess of Queensberry Rules in 1867, introduced gloves and the three-minute round structure we see today.

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  1. Not trying to sound like some boxing guru here, but one more thing I would add to this is to always fully extend on your punches. Great video though!

  2. Question. I doubt I'll get an answer, but…
    Why have the dominant hand at the back?

    I would expect the dominant hand being at the front is better, because that would increase my defensive power, and be more able to catch punches?

  3. I had a boxer friend good guy he got bullied by a gangster youngen 4 years younger … the boxer started talking smack to him got smoked rip

  4. Thank you very much for all your help and guidance My friend, this was incredible you are an amazing individual. God bless you and your family brother. 🙌🙏

  5. Yeah I can't fully extend my arms when I punch cuz if I do my arm joints can dislocate from the pressure. Ima focus on keeping it tight.

  6. This why forearm and elbows are safer less likely to brake. your hands have alot of bones but is good information for boxing and punching in general as there commonly a faster strike in the cases of average people

  7. this guy is finished and he thinks that his experience matters- he is a police police in united kingdom, he is a man now- Throwing a punch in someone-s visible fracture- does the damage in the boy sausage and the boy sausage is happy with his girl -thinking of the day when a midget won't be scared of a woman with phrostethic penis – do you comprehend-because I will heal and if I step in the ring with you and your sons you start to speak rusian

  8. What do I do if I'm right handed but I can only stand in south paw stance?? I don't know why I do, same with goofy footed and I don't know how to fix it because it feels extremely weird to not stand that way

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