Basics of Boxing – Training for Beginners at Home
On June 2nd, 2020, Tony Jeffries, an Olympic medalist and former undefeated professional boxer, uploaded titled “Basics of Boxing – Training for Beginners at Home” which has since garnered over three million views.
In this video, Jeffries introduces viewers to the very basics of boxing. He begins with the boxing stance. He explains that if you are right-handed, you should stand with your left foot forward (Orthodox stance). Other way round, if you’re left-handed, you would stand with your right foot forward (Southpaw stance).
Jeffries emphasises the importance of having a good stance with visualisation of a line separating feet. He also demonstrates how to move forward and backwards, highlighting that it’s critical to maintain the same distance between feet when moving.
He then moves on to the basic punches, starting with learning the front hand punch, or jab. The right-handed punch, or cross, comes next which is the power punch. Jeffries advises to exhale when throwing this punch as it adds power to the punch.
Combination punches
Then, he introduces combination punches, linking the jab, cross and hook into a sequence. Once again, emphasising that as one punch retracts, the next should be thrown, maintaining a continuous flow of movement.
The video culminates with Jeffries encouraging viewers to set a timer and practice these techniques in two-minute rounds. Though initially it may feel awkward, he assures that practice is key and that everyone finds boxing challenging at first.
Jeffries’ video is a fantastic starting point for anyone looking to learn the basics of boxing at home. The step-by-step approach ensures that viewers can learn at their own pace. He also provides additional resources in the video description such as links to further training videos and a boxing certification course. The approach is clear, uncomplicated and efficient, making boxing accessible to everyone, regardless of skill level or experience.
Lastly, he encourages viewers to subscribe for more similar content and advanced lessons once they’ve mastered the basics. A brilliant introduction to the world of boxing, Jeffries’ training video is a treasure trove of knowledge for any boxing enthusiast.
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Tony Jeffries: The Indomitable Athlete
Tony Jeffries, an internationally recognized British boxer, is hailed as one of the most influential figures in competitive boxing. Starting from humble beginnings in Sunderland, England, he rose to global prominence due to his uncompromising determination and unrivalled battle spirit. In 2008, his consistent excellence was rewarded with a Olympic Bronze in Beijing. Following his retirement from active boxing, Jeffries shifted focus to coaching and started his own gym. Today, he is supported by a global community of aspiring athletes and boxing enthusiasts who appreciate his expertise and dedication.
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Classical vs Modern Boxing Training
Classical Boxing Training was a rigorous regime focused primarily on developing endurance and power. Boxers spent countless hours gruelling in gym routines, practicing with heavy bags, roadwork, and sparring.
On the other hand,
Modern Boxing Training
incorporates a comprehensive blend of cardio, strength, and high-intensity interval training. It utilizes advanced technology like heart rate monitors and fitness apps, promoting a tailored training approach. Techniques like shadow boxing, circuit drills, and speed bags have been introduced, making modern training more diverse and functional. In summary, traditional boxing emphasized raw physical power, whereas modern training is more holistic, emphasizing technique, health, and well-rounded athleticism.
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A Brief Peek into Boxing History
Boxing, a popular combat sport, traces its origins back to ancient civilizations. The Greeks introduced boxing into the Olympic Games around 688 BC. Modern boxing, with its Marquess of Queensberry rules, emerged in the late 19th century.
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thank you alot i have alootof bully's they keep wanna fight me so this looks amazing
Showing my 6 year old
When i did boxing, coach instructed to do shadowboxing in front of a mirror. Like said in the video it felt really akward. But one night after i came home from the boxing gym, i wanted to do shadow boxing more at home(i trained like crazy) for awhile it didnt click like whats the point of this. Then that night when i was shadowboxing in front of a mirror. I had a revolution. I just threw jabs etc. Then i paid attention on my stance, i slowed my jabs etc, and then it clicked. For me it also taught how important the movement is. For me it was important step to understand the most important aspect of boxing. Also it made me feel really good about myself. I do highly encourage to try this. Im planning to start boxing again, full body mirror is the first thing i get.
Anyone after watching hajime no ippo?
Honestly this tutorial made the whole thing more complicated 💀
Wellcome Tony, no need to introduce Yourself, I like your approach, and try to nderstand your native English, as a retired Karateka and teacher of English as well.
OK, just i have tried to follow our advices, a right-handed with left foot forward and vice versa, sometimes completed with my additional experiences In brackets) which you might take as observations of others.
Stance :
Then front foot pointing on One´o clock, your back foot around two o´clock
The line on the ground with one foot on one side and the other onthe other side standing, (symmetrically.).
never having both feet on the same line! More to thast, stand on loose needs like on the skies or skate-board, etc. shoulders pararaĺleling leg-line ( slant angle, say, pointing North west)
Up by the face, elbows almost vertically, but naturally defending the chest. Right hand by your right cheek, left hand in front of your face.
WIth the leg first stepping forward or backward with the same length in the direction closest to it . (the same applies when stepping to the sides.) Keeping a fixed distance between your feet, all the time.
-with lead/front hand is termed as the Jab, standing on rear leg and front leg turning inside.
-with your rear hand: termed as cross or powe hand , putting wietht on front leg, while rear heel are raised to promote turning your hits, body torsion and put weight behind the right hit. Exhale when hitting with any of your hands!!!
Then the cross is followed by a left hook, 60% on rear, 40 on front leg, front leg turning inside!( Keep practicing to becme your almost natural movememnt. No bags are to be hit at all. Imagination is your best weapon.The three punches are to be completed by the rear cross again.
My commentst:
(Fluidity of hits is achieved by controlled hits with hands, coordinated by your legs and power added by you body. Its the limbs thast move first, in attacks. Don´t be fooled by more aesthetic body first, limb next hits. BOdy moves first in Defensive actions and then is followed by both blocks and evasive steps- known as sidesteps of the legs. It´s a millennial practice from Eastern self defence).
(I enjoed it, just missign the defensive moves at list with stopping bloxks with elbows or shoulders, or parries whiel moving backwards or sidewards.-ALl these would leave beginners less vulnerable.)
Best regards, Paul,68, retired instructor of Karate, also trained in Judo and partly in boxing as well.
Learning for street fight
I have A play Tomorrow At try out i wanna be the Varsity at my school thanks for the tutorial
Man, you don't look at all intimidating but the look in your eyes tells a dangerous tale. Thanks for the insight and great lesson. I'm thinking about getting into boxing at an older age as means to fitness and this video is exactly what I was looking for.
Thank you
bruh i’m only watching this to box someone for fun bc my friends friend made a league 💀
Nice 👍 I will be following to learn boxing and will be practicing often.
Ippo brought me here
Tony, your channel is great for newbies.
Very easy to follow and precise.
Did you just tell me to criss cross my feet bruh what ?!? I write with my right but put my right foot forward whats going on front foot 1 oclock back foot 2 oclock did i hear this right
I just wanted something that didn't require much commitment. 3 minutes, I could do that. I didn't expect it, but after a year, I'd lost 20 pounds. Like WOW! I have now added light weights to the routine and this 75 year old woman has muscles.
Lmao, yeah but they were me friend they just suddenly have beef with me and everything he fought he destroyed so if we finna fight I need to be prepared
bro atleast teach me how to parry (jk)
Thank you very much, I wanted to practice before joining the academy, I love boxing and I will try very hard
Is there any training or workout that I should do before starting boxing? Im skinny.
Thanks mate, my grandma didnt stand a chance.
thanks mate I have never boxed in my life and I bought a punching bag for cardio and started training only with double punches. I wonder how long it will take before we add other movements.