Self Defense Against YouTube Pranks?

Self Defense Against YouTube Pranks?

Self-Defence 50 Comments

In his video “Self Defense Against YouTube Pranks?”, Icy Mike from Hard2Hurt takes a deep dive into the controversial world of YouTube prank channels, delivering his insightful expertise on the subject. Built around scenes from various prank videos, he explores the real-world implications and potential self-defence lessons that viewers can learn from these often-provocative scenarios. Mike’s frank and thoughtful commentary takes the viewer on a journey into the psychology behind these pranks, the public reactions and the unforeseen dangers that these seemingly harmless pranks can pose. This intriguing video merges entertainment, street-smart wisdom and a lesson in human behavior, all in the name of self-defense.

Modern Self-Defence: A Comprehensive Analysis of Prank Channels and Realistic Reactions

In recent years, a new form of entertainment has emerged on the internet, particularly on platforms like YouTube. They are known as ‘Prank Channels’. Built on the premise of playing practical jokes or causing mild upset to unsuspecting members of the public, these channels consistently divide opinions about the ethics and legal implications involved. In this article, we take a hard look at these prank channels through the lens of an expert from Hard2Hurt, a widely respected YouTube channel run by Icy Mike, focusing on self-defense and martial arts. In one of his recent insightful videos, Icy Mike browses through various prank videos, dissecting the actions of those pranked and the pranksters. These pranks range from innocent laughs to actions that could easily be interpreted as assault or harassment. Understandably, this raises questions about how one should react when faced with such situations and how this impact our understanding of self-defence. Initially, it’s worth noting that the reactions of those pranked vary drastically. Some people laugh it off, some show annoyance, while others can react in violent or overly aggressive ways. Essentially, these reactions provide a window into human behavior under stress. By watching them, we can understand more about how to handle unexpected or threatening situations ourselves. Icy Mike, however, points out an essential aspect in these videos – the viewers know it’s a prank while the subjects do not. This difference in perception changes everything. As casual viewers, the situation can be seen as a joke or an overreaction. However, for the individuals caught in these ‘pranks’, fear and uncertainty become driving factors of their responses. Therefore, it becomes crucial to understand that one’s reaction to an unexpected or threatening situation, such as a stranger invading personal space or acting aggressively, is not an overreaction but a realistic response focused on self-preservation. So, what does this mean for self-defence? With a rise in such prank videos, it is conceivable that you might find yourself in a similar situation. Icy Mike suggests not to punish yourself for ‘overreacting’ or considering yourself ‘paranoid’. You are merely reacting to the situation based on your intuition and the information available to you at that moment. Moreover, pranks underscore the importance of preparing for unexpected scenarios. Even if the odds of encountering a disguised prank in daily life are relatively low, the skills and mindset developed from a self-defence approach can help in managing other, more commonly encountered threatening or uncomfortable situations. Encouraging awareness of one’s surroundings, trust in one’s instincts, and a readiness to respond as needed are the keys to ensuring personal safety. Nevertheless, it’s essential to remember that while pranks can provide an opportunity to analyze human reactions under stress, Icy Mike prudently reminds us that the internet is not reality. For every genuine reaction shared online, there are countless unseen and unheard experiences. Therefore, avoid over-relying on or being overly influenced by prank videos, and instead, focus more on true-life situations and reliable, expert instruction in self-defence. In concluding, Icy Mike’s dissection of prank channel videos certainly offers a fresh perspective on how we perceive and understand self-defence in the modern world. As we continue to navigate an increasingly complex world with diverse challenges, it’s clear that the principles of self-defence can prove beneficial beyond the dojo or the martial arts class. They provide us with invaluable tools to handle any situation with confidence, be it a chance encounter with a prank channel or a genuine threat.


Hard2Hurt is a renowned YouTube channel run by Icy Mike, an expert in self-defense and fitness. His channel offers insightful content on martial arts, fighting fitness, and self-protection. Icy Mike’s practical, yet fun, approach to training inspires viewers to build their strength, skills, and confidence.

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  1. disturbing the peace (a.k.a. breach of the peace) is literally against the law and each US state has it's own definition for it.
    California, for example, has this as one as a possibility: "3) using fighting words (words meant to incite violence) in a public place that is likely to start a confrontation."
    Also for California: "A violation of the law can result in an infraction with a fine up to $200 or a misdemeanor charge. If a person is convicted of the misdemeanor, they can face up to three months in jail and up to a $400 fine"

    Honestly, the way I see it, it's entirely the police's fault that they don't charge and/or arrest them.

  2. Y’all have a different sense of humor than me.
    Gather round children and let Uncle J explain to you The Way.
    1. A man never interferes with another man doing his job.
    2. A man never puts a woman or a weaker male into a position they feel in danger.
    3. A man never enters another man’s bubble unless he is ready to throw hands.
    4. A man never disrespects another man, unless he is ready to throw hands.
    5. A man conducts himself as a man at all times. Children play pranks. Men do work, protect and provide. If you few otherwise, you have some maturing to do.
    6. All men have work to do, to be better men. This is not an excuse to fail or be immature. It is a challenge. Gravitas will carry you further than being the joker with any group of men. The joker is just a jester and a jester is just a clown.

  3. After growing up in a bad neighborhood, training martial arts and serving in the army, my reaction to someone suddenly touching me from behind is to elbow them in the sternum. Good thing my country doesn't have people like that (or at least not a lot).

  4. Mad respect to the Manager. I want him to know his video reached Egypt and he’s a hero for handling the situation with calmness and chivalry!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

  5. The one with the shake. I just saw a clip of it, and I really had a lot of respect for the manager. I am surprised to see him here, but I am happy to hear more

  6. This s*** isn’t cool or funny in anyway. Some people have anxiety/ptsd and are always on high alert. I believe if you do this s*** to someone and you get beat down or depending on the situation maybe even killed it’s your own dumba** fault.

  7. Theres this really old prank video where theres a guy dressed as a clown in a parking garage and he has a fake body wrapped in plastic. He then waits for people to come and smashes the head of the "body" with a sledgehammer spattering fake blood everywhere. He then turns towards the people and starts comming at them. All i could think is what a great way to get yourself shot. In that situation at the very least id have my gun out and trained on him. But im a pretty confident guy in my physical abilities and a slow moving sledgehammer wouldnt be too scary a weapon to deal with. But imagine he did that to a person who had no real physical skills. I could 100 percent see them shooting the second he started approaching and theyd be justified IMO

  8. My thought is You don't know what people are going through. Prank them for money, if you get punched, it's your damn fault. I still do watch some prank channels as well though 😅

  9. Stop playing with people, you don't know what they're going thru. This could get a good person having a bad day in big trouble. Think deeply about that time you were really not in the mood. Yes it's no excuse to hurt someone but at the same time it's no excuse to disturb someone's life wirh the dumbness

  10. honestly, a prank is like a whooopy cusion or something not assaulting peoples ear drums or whatever. The stuffed animal ones are pretty funny as well and also pranks but some of this stuff is real degenerate level type shit

  11. I'm completely shocked none of these folks have been seriously hurt or worse. The internet has turned normal people into idiotic buffoons and they will continue to act like that till someone breaks a face open or lethally defends themselves.

  12. Some GROWN men were throwing water balloons and cups of river water and other liquids Not sure what, at random people near my brother and me, it is not a huge deal but My brother had just gotten out of serious surgery to put a PD Catheter in his stomach so he can hook up to a Dialysis machine for 10 hours at home every night because he is in renal failure and needs a new kidney and if they had thrown that on him he almost certainly would have gotten an infection not to mention if they hit him with a water balloon in his wound that was just sewn shut. People really need to think before they act and understand that other people in life may be going through SH** and the last thing they need is someone "Pranking" them if that is what you would call that. I am not against actual Pranks but today people are straight up Assaulting strangers and doing crazy SH** and think that because they say it's a prank makes it ok and worse is the morons who agree with that.

  13. There's a difference between someone doing a prank and a jackass with a recording device. If everyone can't laugh about it in the end then it's the latter.

  14. I remember seeing a hidden camera prank done in russia back in the 90s where a dude was hiding in a mail drop box and would grab peoples mail and struggle with them for a bit. They did it to this one older guy who pulled out a pistol and started firing into the mail slot. If he survived I dont think he ever pranked someone again.

  15. 9:27 it's about Type 1 vs Type 2 mistakes.

    A type 1 mistake is thinking "There is a tiger behind that bush" when there is not.

    A type 2 mistake is thinking "There is no tiger behind that bush" when there is.

    Making a type 1 mistake is fine – making a type 2 mistake is not.

  16. I would say a physical assault was over the line so screaming in someone's ear through that big loud tube like a megaphone and hurting that person you are lucky that all he did was pin you to the ground. You missed a good one Mike we had a guy whose main prank was robbing people at knifepoint and then before he got close enough to actually stab them he told him it was a prank one guy he robbed at knifepoint was from the hood and he didn't play he had a concealed carry on her permit and he put three shots right in the guy's chest he was not charged as well he should not be. You have a right to take my picture at the Grand canyon or take a video or the Grand canyon and I'm in or anything else that's going on a public Street. You have a right to wear a camera on the two of your shoe and look up someone's dress. You do not have a right to employ me in a commercial endeavor with no compensation or to cause me to fear for my life pointing a knife at me. How about the airplane prank video ? A guy flies at $20,000 airplane up in the air and jumps out of it with a parachute and lets it crash. He made $50,000 on the views. When the laws are most things were written we did not have the internet. Motive means and opportunity. Means to crashing airplane but we did not have the motive and opportunity to make it worth twice the cost of the airplane showing the pictures of doing it online. How many times do we have to have a prank like that before the airplane it's a car full of kids or a tent full people in the desert camping. I would suggest if you appear to be doing an armed robbery you're doing an armed robbery if you appear to be doing an assault. I don't believe anybody over reacts to any prank or someone is up there trying to embarrass you and usual kind for their own gain of money. If you have that creepy guy pretending he is blind and running into that woman's cart more than once you have a stalking charge. Can I pretend I'm blind and walk up and do a prank video and fondle your wife's breasts? Is that a prank video? I don't want to see a video of that woman being sexually assaulted. It's interesting what a reaction she has it's an overreaction? If you had been assaulted sexually I don't think you can over react to some big smelly man own looming over you. Did you see that prank video in the Chicago hot dog stand where Joe dreadlocks came in and pretended he was mad at this woman and he started screaming at her and everything and then everybody in the place was running away and it was really funny? Unfortunately it was no prank. The fourteen-year-old son had to come in there and put the stop to Joel dread locks bothering anybody ever ever again. It used to be walking in the women's room with a penis $500 fine. Now you can dress as a woman, go in the women's restroom in many places without any fine. Then you can look the women over carefully and see which one you want to assault without me by in pay up or anything. What better place could you be you get to go over women are naked and vulnerable you can open the stall door to see if there's anything you like the look of? Maybe if you see somebody this you like in that bathroom stall in the women's room there all alone they look kind of scared you don't think they'll tell anybody and there's your victim you got a good chance of guessing better than fifty-fifty that this person won't tell cuz probably three out of four women that are sexually assaulted don't tell. This is exactly like a prank robbery. If you can declare a robbery then switch to a prank video, if you don't like the victim now that you felt them out a little.

  17. I've been studying people online recently and too astonishing results I never imagined I have found be true. ADHD person posted that he hates me for my disability. I walk slow because I have arthritis in my hips. 100 / ADHD people chimed in and they said they all hate me too. These people are hate and they're ready to boil over at any given second with no provocation at all. The general ADHD person came online and said their hate boils over into rage. These people get overstimulated and they get angry at the world and they get angrier and angrier and they don't know why they are angry until someone else points out they get mad every time they go to the store. The sight of me angers them. The site of an old man slowly walking through the store with his arthritic disabled leg throws them into a fit of ADHD rage. People don't understand how overpowering this is for these guys. One guy was watching his girlfriend's baby and he was hyper focused on his video game the baby kept crying frustrated in the few times and he shook the baby to death in a fit of ADHD rage. Are these people put it on the Earth to torment for entertainment videos. I'm recovering small person. I'm big now Mike 240 lb I prefer death before dishonor. I was bullied by big loud angry people I was at their Mercy couldn't fight them off. They hurt me and no hero came. If one of these ADHD people gets mad at me his rage will shoot up then decline. I will trigger that abusive piece of s*** with skin wrapped around him. I will trigger relentlessly as long as I do not do anything illegal it do so and I will have your aneurysm in your head blow up and kill you I will blow your heart out whatever it takes but you are not going to leave me with any rage left to strike us small person. I see me in every small person I see being abused. Rape is not randomly distributed. I've met a lot of small people who had some kind of problem that made them a less than credible witness for the prosecution to prosecute a rape charge. These people have been raped 25 or 30 times in their life. Let's find somebody like that that has a few problems is little bit emotional and then go ahead and videotape some great big guy trigger memories of being raped 25 times in 10 years. Let's all laugh at her. If that woman in the video that one of the blind man to leave her alone had been raped, does she owe the guy a flash back, that goes viral? If you notice the first video with the guy in the bear suit that opens his eyes. People came to him. It was startling but it was not threatening. Look at all our guys who came home from the Gulf War. Would it be okay to put cardboard boxes by their car, and watch them over react?

  18. I'm not a fan of prank videos in general and don't really get any entertainment out of them for the most part. All I can suggest to pranksters is choose your victims and locations VERY well. Everyone's reaction to things is based on THEIR life experiences and I've had real threats to my physical safety and even my life in my younger years and if I perceive a threat to my safety my first reaction is to create space between me and the threat and then determine what level of violence is really called for. Screwing around with store employees is not cool at all in any way but part of that for me is probably the dipshit that pulled a realistic at a glance fake gun on me in the late 80's while I was working the register at a store. He did not like the trip to the hospital (wrist and neck injury) or the police report. He's damn lucky I wasn't carrying concealed at that time (wasn't legal for civilians to in the state back then). My point is unless you know your victim you do not have any clear knowledge of just how dangerous to you and those around you the reaction is going to be. As for 'jump scares'. How do you know that woman doesn't have a bad ticker and your prank will put her IN the ground not on the ground? Thieves get heavy prison penalties for scaring a shop owner to death by showing that fake weapon and its usually a murder charge so I'd expect a prankster to get the same charge. 'I didn't know about their heart history' is a lousy excuse for killing someone. Somewhat sorry to come off like humorless bastard but I do have the capacity and means with me at all times to seriously hurt someone be it unarmed or not, please don't give me or anyone motive or opportunity as a stupid joke. I fully expect some of these prankster YouTube idiots to wind up killing someone and for someone to wind up killing one or more of them. Won't that be fun for their family to have to deal with.

  19. We need to stop letting things like this be considered socially acceptable, these same people will talk about respect, but then have none for others. Pranks on friends and family are hilarious and awesome. Pranks between people who have no connection/don’t know one another, are completely unacceptable. Things like this seem to be leading toward the slippery slope where people have no regard for one another’s lives. But sure… “It’s just a prank!”… “Not really though, I’m just a disrespectful hoodlum.”

  20. Pranking is risky yes. Some pranks (like pissing on your mother wtf) are beyond limit. But basically what you need if you are pranking is to have protection. You have a backup who can beat/stop anyone who might get pissed? You are safe

  21. Have you seen those "pranks" when some morons go up to some nibbas in the hood, who have pistols VERY visibly in their pants (well, tummy, pointing at their dick), and they reach behind themselves whiel saying "hey wanna buy a gun?" and pulling a toy gun out… I WISH the brothers would've shot him dead right there, but they were actually pretty rational about it. (still threatening them, but hey, why wouldn't they)

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