Charleston White Pepper Spray Revealed!

Charleston White Pepper Spray Revealed!

Self-Defence 49 Comments

This engrossing Hard2Hurt video, titled “Charleston White Pepper Spray Revealed!”, Icy Mike takes a deep dive into a peculiar event at a combat sports weigh-in. In an unusual twist, pepper spray was used during a scuffle, leading Mike to question its legality and explore the specific type used by Charleston White. Throughout the video, Mike is noted for his thorough consideration from a self-defense perspective, analyzing the effectiveness, precision, and secondary effects of the spray. Furthermore, he questions whether the entire incident was a publicity stunt orchestrated by White. The aim of this video is not just about analyzing an incident, but offering quality, real-life self-defense advice.

Unveiling Charleston White Pepper Spray: The Power of Modern Self Defence

In a weird, yet riveting case of self-defence, a recent episode by YouTube channel Hard2Hurt, centered on an intriguing figure – Charleston White – and his unusual choice of defence: pepper spray. One might shrug off a can of pepper spray as a classic, somewhat outdated tool in the self-defence kit. However, the blend of typical and unusual in this case offers an opportunity for us to delve deeper into modern self-defence principles and examine the benefits of such a tool in today’s context. During an alleged boxing match weigh-in with a character named “Suede The Plug God”, Charleston White, a known provocateur, reportedly deployed pepper spray. Now, such a method of defence might raise eyebrows and spark legal debates on assault vs self-defence, but that’s not where our focus lands. Instead, we give attention to the “pepper spray” itself – a specific variant of the tool that was the centre of White’s defence strategy during the altercation. White was armed with a contraption slightly different from the typical cylinder we’re accustomed to. What made this special? Well, simply put, it’s more user-friendly and efficient. Ranging from the cheap cost to the convenience of having something already in your hand, it’s the perfect companion for joggers, walkers, and generally anyone who can’t lug heavy weapons around their waistband. Make no mistake – it’s certainly not the equivalent force of an actual handheld weapon, yet its adaptability makes it a strong contender in the arena of modern self-defence. With an impressive aim and limited impact on bystanders, this specific type of pepper spray was a central figure in this contentious incident. The applicability of this pepper spray goes well beyond the realm of boxing weigh-ins. Walkers, runners, and dog walkers also stand to benefit enormously from this implement. It’s not too intrusive or heavy, making it a straightforward and effective accessory for self-defence while you’re on the move. Yet, part of the charm of this pepper spray lies in the unpredictability that it grants to the defender. For threats upon you to formulate an opinion about your defensive tool (in this case, the pepper spray), they would already be too close for comfort. Keeping your pepper spray in hand, ready to defend, may prove crucial in a volatile situation. Interestingly, an inherent selling point of this pepper spray variant is that it doesn’t clear out a room, unlike the traditional ones. Typically, deploying pepper spray indoors results in a quick venue evacuation due to the slight second-hand aerosol effect this tool usually has. Safely dispersed from a distance, it becomes one’s formidable, unassuming companion. Does using a non-lethal weapon like the specific pepper spray variant Charleston White used amount to self-defence? Well, that’s subjective and situation-dependent. However, the mere existence and unusual effectiveness of this tool highlight the adaptability of modern self-defence tactics, which now accommodate such subtle yet potent measures. It might not always be about the hard strikes and knockout blows anymore. In a world that’s getting no friendlier, introspection into such a tool’s role in self-defence scenarios becomes critical. Not only for us, the observers, but also for the ‘Charleston Whites’ amongst us seeking to navigate the complexities of self-defence while ensuring their actions remain within the boundaries of the law. In a nutshell, it’s a compact yet powerful reminder of how progress shapes every aspect of modern life – even self-defence.


The YouTube channel “Hard2Hurt” is run by Icy Mike. He shares practical self-defense and fitness tutorials with a touch of humor. As a certified self-defense trainer, former law enforcement officer and competitive fighter, his content is highly credible. Icy Mike combines combat sports, practical martial arts, and street defense tactics in his videos.

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  1. Came up with a somewhat stupid idea: what if you were to combine that carry sleeve with MMA glove padding and biker glove brass knuckles? Sort of a weird fusion of the three.

  2. It unironically does my heart good to see a father willing to tell his son to man up in america these days. You're a good dad, mike. โœŠ๐Ÿฝ

  3. I hate when they do that dumb stuff at weigh ins. I hate the idiotic poster pose as well. Some of them mess up their fights that are literally scheduled the next day. >_<.

  4. Stream is the best. Fog gets everyone in the area, gel is too targeted, and takes too long aerosolize. Stream is very directional and quick acting.

  5. Yeah its a chemical assault
    God knows what the โ€˜โ€™pepperโ€™โ€™ really is
    The eyes are extremely susceptible to infection, and from a professional
    point of view, can be considered as sabotage for the match

  6. Hey Icy Mike, I am studying judo and I was wondering if you could do a video of how judo guys can use their style in the street situation. If this video has been made, I apologize ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. Have you done a review for the Go Gaurded rung? I have seen runners recommend for a self defense tool and was wondering about it. I didn'r see one but could have missed one.

  8. Why does a Martial artist/boxer have to carry weapons? The mere fact anyone is walking round tooled up what is the point of training yourself in any unarmed combat?

  9. Icy mike i come seeking wisdom. I have to fight someone around 40 pounds bigger than me, hes a few inches taller and he has alot more experience. He fights very aggressively and i also fight up close and aggressively and idk how to fight another pressure fighter. Do you have any advice on pressure fighter vs pressure fighter

  10. You didnโ€™t see what was going on the whole time he was their. He had the spray for other people that were made because he talked about the west coast so bad. But buddy just so happen to do to much. Him hitting him on top of his head was the last thing that happened. U got your events all twisted up. He goes to my boxing gym, and he didnโ€™t get paid because he got banned. These arenโ€™t real boxers Charleston is from stop 6 Texas the bottom of the ghetto. Them folks think he just playing until they run up on him.

  11. Light tool for runners or walkers; average screw driver does the trick.
    I think last yeat Mike showed a video how to defend yourself using one. Bottom line, use whatever you feel comfortable carrying around.

  12. Charleston White bragged about h ow he and his friends used to coercively gang rape young white girls. He currently fantasizes about the "coming race war" when he will get to forcefully rape white women. Is he being hyperbolic? Probably. Doesn't matter. Some low IQ racist hood with shitty abstract thinking will hear that, and think "CW said this is good. Let's do this,". Teenage boys who look up to him will hear how easy it is to coerce teenage girls into a gang rape situation, and say "CW said this is good. Let's do this.".

    The sooner he accidentally falls into a sharks mouth, the better.

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